This Ramadhan has given me
new dimension of fasting
a lot of things were in my mind
maybe it was bczzz...
I am having iftar alone by myself....!
in fixing d first day of fasting in Msia hehe
Thank you!!!
See u again on d 29th of Ramadhan hikhik
The menu on d 2nd day of fasting
~Laksa Hj Arpan
~Kuih talam(bought by Abi)
~Left over brownies from SR
~bubur jagung terbaek dr ladang Pak Teh
~kurma n d juice
I`m having iftar.... alone!
What`s yur feeling ummi...
Do not feel alone..
Evrybody`s doing everything 4 purpose
n I`m learing 2 accept that
The only menu that I made is... the juice!
I think I do have a lot of thinking
during this fasting month
thinking about my life
my family
my love
my children(oh yaa they have gone from me...)
may Allah always be with all of u all d time
Oh life.....!
For what is life
if not a journey to search 4 purpose n fulfilment?
Life is a journey yaaaaaaa
Do I really know who am I n why I am here
my children
my family
my friends
my lovess
my world
and it seems that the more I know
the more I realise I do not know.
Of course
We`re here 4 purpose
and we should embrace 4 that purpose
we must seek to fulfill our purpose
Only then our journey will be worthwhile!!!
W`re the Khalifah Allah in this universe
and yet we`re the servant to Allah
may I realise it
n seek for this purpose n do the fulfilment insya Allah
Welcome Ramadhan Kareem
kesian ummi kena makan solang2
kami pergi menuntut ilmu, doakan kami semua dapat istiqomah dan tak jemu. amin
Smoga jadi anak soleh solehah
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ingat...Study is JIHADDD hihi