Saturday, August 21, 2010

Pre-Ramadhan Gathering

As usual,we`re having pre-Ramadhan gathering
its a family tradition ya
and yet not all were attending
evrybody`s busy hehe
thnx 2 Yang n family
Fuad Am n family
Tok Cik n family
KCah n Faqih
n of course me n family

busy busy yet !

need my hand...?
TQ 2 Am n Yang

n -d last Ramadhan in Msia
b4 flying 2 Sheffield boy-Faqih...
Good luck bro!

The delicious pulut kuning ever after...

ayo asam(bukan boi ya..)

ulam awet mude

Guess wat?
fish in d banana leaf(ikan bako daaa)

milky gravy spinach
himpunan rezeki
n d juicy corn~terbaek dr ladang!
TQ Pak Teh...
And the time....soruuu
After....chit~ chatting time...
We luv it ahhaa

Hopefully this Ramadhan will give us
rahmah barokah n maghfirah from Allah SWT...

Praises be only to Allah


  1. ape pase makanan sedap bebenooo
    saye tengah pose nihh

  2. Tengah pose sume sedap hihi
    nnti nk bbuka awasssss
    ni ingatan berguna utk semua:
    1/3 utk mknnn 1/3 utk minumn 1/3 utk udara!
    Ada bole kaaaa..hikhik
